is here to empower and equip you with the confidence to operate in your God given kingdom authority. It is a training ground that will prepare christians to live a kingdom lifestyle. Whether you are a Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher, Elder or lay person in the church. Our courses will challenge you to become the christian or spiritual leader you were ordained to be. Christian leadership is not about holding a position or title in a religious organization, it is about sincerely maturing and discipling people into the Kingdom of God. Join Activate School of Ministry to grow in kingdom living and leadership.


Biblical Foundations - This course offers understanding about the fundamentals of christian discipleship and biblical foundations.

Tactical Prayer School of Intercession - This course is designed to help you understand the foundations of prayer, intercession and spiritual warfare. Prayer is one of the most powerful tools we use for kingdom living.

Prophetic Blueprints - This course offers training for those who desire to understand prophetic ministry.

Homiletics and Ministry Ethics - This course will help you understand the fundamentals of how to study the bible, sermon prep and ministry ethics.

Worship Pioneering - This course is design to understand the fundamentals creating a culture of worship.

Five Fold Ministry & Leadership -
The Fivefold Ministry is a term referring to the five ministry roles of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher found in the book of Ephesians. It’s the Biblical blueprint we are given to equip people and grow the Kingdom. In this course you will learn more about them and tools to develop as one being called as a leader.

Truth & Freedom Deliverance Ministry -
This course equips believers with a biblical foundation for deliverance ministry, inner healing and tools needed to navigate through spiritual warfare one may encounter as a believer. Each student will receive a certificate of completion once all courses are completed.

Each student will receive a certificate of completion once all courses are completed.

License, Ordination & Commissioning:

If you desire to apply as a candidate for five-fold ministry ordination, commissioning from Truth Church Global Network, you must meet the qualifications below, and then submit a request for review. We do license or ordain according to Ephesians 4:11 which includes the ministry offices of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers. We impart and prophesy into their lives during the commissioning and ordination process. This is only for ministers who have the fruit (works) of the five-fold office they are called to and requesting ordination for.


* The candidate for ordination will be of good character meeting the requirements of 1 Timothy 3.
* Each candidate must complete all courses in Activate School of Ministry. We will also ask you to give us a summary of your calling and ministry. *To be considered for ordination, you must be a member of Truth Church or Truth Church Global Network. By the leading of the Holy Spirit our senior leader Apostle Kirklin Cross Jr. will recommend you for ordination once you are found in good standing, knowledgeable of biblical principles and model christian character.
* Furthermore, to be considered for ordination, it is imperative that we get know you and your ministry, as scripture clearly states that we should know them that labor among us, and to lay hands on no man suddenly. For this reason we encourage you to join the fellowship where you can become acquainted and build relationships with T.C.G.N. leaders. In addition, we ask that you consider bringing in an T.C.G.N. leader for some meetings in your church to evaluate your ministry and provide wise counsel and apostolic strategies to help build for the future.

You may contact the ministry at: for more information concerning this.

***Upon completion of the commissioning/ ordination service, you will receive Truth Church Global credentials.***

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